We've heard you've got your eye on someone!
As we can see, your last hour has come! You want to get married?! Well, you've brought this on yourself... So that you can enjoy your last hours of freedom to the full, we have something very special for you:
The Berlin Dungeon Junggesell:innen package is your ticket to the ultimate adventure that will make your blood run cold. Prepare to push your limits and enter a world of darkness where the sinister lurks around every corner. Special effects, 360-degree backdrops and professional actors are just some of the surprises that await you.

What awaits you
- Step into the darkness: true events from up to 600 years old, gloomy Berlin and the bizarre figures who tell of them await you.
- Encounter the shadows: is it your own, or is someone lurking in the dark?
- Two rides are waiting to plunge you into the water or drop you 12 metres into the depths!
- The bachelors are slipping into a very special role on this day - are you brave enough?
- Scary surprises await you and your guests. But you'll have to find out for yourselves exactly what they are!
- Dress warmly, summon up all your courage and set off on the adventure of a lifetime! This ticket is the key to an experience full of goosebumps and unforgettable experiences.
Have fun getting the creeps - who knows, maybe we'll meet again on the other side.
Book now!
Unfortunately, we are not offering online bookings in English, but you can still host your bachelor party at our attraction. Please continue to make your booking through our German booking portal if you are interested. We apologise for the inconvenience, and we thank you for your understanding.